Building A Strong Foundation

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Dear Inc. Community,

THANK YOU for helping The Inc. accomplish so much in its first year and a half. Your belief in the value of coworking and childcare has shown the Puget Sound (and the world!) that this idea is viable and necessary for today's families. With your support, we have taken this idea and made it into a reality in an extremely short time and currently serve over 120 members and counting. 

However, with fast growth comes moments of reflection to ensure that our foundation is strong and sustainable. With this in mind, The Inc. Board of Directors has made the difficult decision to close The Inc. West Seattle indefinitely on August 17th. 

We plan to use this opportunity to learn, reset and become much stronger as we are still very much committed to serving multiple communities in Puget Sound. We look forward to serving the West and South Seattle communities again in the future. 

So what does this mean for The Inc.?

  • Our Green Lake location remains open and will be even stronger as we pool all our resources together to make it shine as the crown jewel of coworking and childcare in Seattle. 
  • We plan to invest more in the Playschool program by strengthening the teaching team and curriculum and exploring expanding hours and age ranges for care.
  • We will begin focusing on providing more support to our parent members with a variety of workshops and events for more opportunities to connect and learn.

Thank you again for your patience, commitment and support as we build a sustainable coworking with childcare model together! If you have any further questions and/or comments please reach out to The Inc. team at 


Sarah Hines
Marlene Mejia Weiss
Co-Executive Directors, The Inc.